Earn your 'ARC' Angel wings
Design/app development/music/sound design
National Grid's ARC (Alarm Receiving Centre) plays a vital role in monitoring key sites around the country for any possible security breaches. To minimise potential 'false alarms' - they wanted a comms piece to help educate colleagues how they could play their part in reducing any unnecessary alarms being triggered - freeing up ARC personnel to concentrate on anything that warrants legitimate investigation. 
We planned and developed an iPad game - differing alarms represented by falling 'alarms' of different priority levels that have to be quickly sorted. A correctly identified 'serious threat' takes the player to a second stage, where CCTV screens have to be scanned quickly to find the intruder. The speed and volume of alarms ramps up as the game progresses.
The game is used at events to give colleagues and visitors a flavour of the hard work the ARC team puts in. 

“We’ve been working with Zeppo on a number of creative initiatives; including apps and experiential games for exhibitions. They have delivered some excellent, innovative and fresh approaches.
Sharon Naylor, Communications, National Grid
Intro screens and score review
Detailed info in take away leaflet 
National Grid branded ARC information leaflet
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